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service hours

use this form to log your hours!

Service Hours are a point system awarded for helping in intra-college activities to reflect your effort in contributing to our community. Usually, 1 hour of helping to set up, clean up, move furniture, or participate in a service activity is rewarded by receiving 1 service hour. We welcome you to do and submit as many service hours as you would like and 2 of those (per semester) will be counted toward your total for Room Draw. Room Draw is how we delegate who receives each suite for the following academic year.


During Room Draw, the more service hours you have (4 max over the 2 semesters) increases your group's chance of getting first preference for the suite(s) that you are interested in. The vice president takes the average of the whole group's service hours so encourage your friends and suitemates to get as many as possible to better your chances!



Please note:

- service hours can be granted for a variety of activities but they must be submitted via the Service Hours Form and verified by the VP

- you need to collect at least 2 per semester to have the best chance of getting the suite that you want (4 hours over 2 semesters)

- they should be submitted via the Service Hours Form AFTER you have completed the activity (unless specified otherwise)


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99 Sunset Blvd. Houston, TX 77005

all photos from martel historians 

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